Including all child immunisations, influenza, pneumonia and shingles, as well as boosters for tetanus and whooping cough for adults.

General counselling as well as referrals for more specialised treatment for mental health issues as well as drug and alcohol dependency.

Minor Surgery
Including the removal of moles and suspicious sun spot as well as the insertion and removal of contraceptive rods.

Diabetes Education
Education and ongoing support for those suffering from diabetes.

Women’s Health
Including cervical screenings.

Antenatal Care
Medical support throughout your pregnancy.

Licence Medicals
Driver’s licence medicals for trucks, buses and those over the age of seventy-five.

Skin Checks
Checks for changes in sun spots and removal of those that are suspicious.

Q Fever Clinics
Clinics for those who wish to get vaccinated against Q Fever.

Pre-Employment Medicals
Similar to licence medicals, including blood tests to check for immunisations.

Travel Advice
Advice about vaccinations needed for travel overseas.

Yellow Fever Vaccine
Our Muswellbrook Clinic is registered for the Yellow Fever vaccine.